Firebird Focus Family Edition March '25
Missed the March volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
Firebird Focus Family Edition February '25
Missed the February volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
Firebird Focus Family Edition December '24
Missed the December volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
Parent Advisory Council
Updated Meeting Dates

11/21 5:30pm
We have our November PAC meeting tonight at 5:30. It will be hosted in our JJHS Library Classroom as well as available online. There is still time to sign up. The links to sign up and the link for the meeting are below.
We will be discussing:
1. WYTOPP results and progress
2. Student and School Celebrations
3. Behavior Data for the year
4. School Improvement Plan
5. Communication Plan (if time)
Sign Up:
Virtual Meeting Link:
We have our November PAC meeting tonight at 5:30. It will be hosted in our JJHS Library Classroom as well as available online. There is still time to sign up. The links to sign up and the link for the meeting are below.
We will be discussing:
1. WYTOPP results and progress
2. Student and School Celebrations
3. Behavior Data for the year
4. School Improvement Plan
5. Communication Plan (if time)
Virtual Meeting Link:
Firebird Focus Family Edition October '24
Missed the October volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
Firebird Focus Family Edition September '24
Missed the September volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
Firebird Focus Family Edition August '24
Missed the August volume of the Firebird Focus? Please click on the image to get caught up!
JJHS 24-25 Information Presentation
New Student Orientation DAy August 13th!
Two Parents, Principals, & Pastries Sessions offered!

LEt's Get Fired Up for 2024-25 Firebird Pride!

Schedule PICK UP School Pictures


Schedule Pick Up - August 14-15
New Student Orientation

Parent Advisory Council

Earth Day FestivitIes
Join us for a night of activities to celebrate our Earth!
April 24th

JJHS Spring Play

School Pictures!
August 30th & 31st

7th Grade Orientation Transportation Schedule

7th Grade Student Orientation
We can't wait to see all of our incoming 7th grade Firebirds on August 9th! Keep a look out on Remind for more details coming!

We Need your Help!
Good afternoon, Firebird Family. We have been contacting families regarding our No Cell Phone, No Weapons, and Backpack Policies. Guardians need to sign and return these documents to confirm you are aware of these important policies. Cell phones are NOT allowed between 7:40 am and 2:44 pm. This includes lunchtime. Students are required to store their cell phone, air pods, backpack, and other personal electronic devices in their locker. JJHS staff are NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones, air pods, backpacks, and other personal electronic devices. Our Cell Phone Policy teaches our Firebirds digital literacy and citizenship. There are many negative impacts that cell phones can have to a student's education and others. If an emergent situation should ever arise, we will promptly let all guardians know via Remind. If a guardian needs to get ahold of their student, they can call the office and we will get the message to them as soon as possible. Repeat occurrences may warrant disciplinary action. All students need at Johnson during the day is their iPad and a water bottle. Everything else is provided in each classroom for them to get their needs met. Backpacks cause a safety issue when in the classroom as we don't have room to store them. The possession of any weapon on school district property is a violation of board policy and the student will be subject to suspension or expulsion up to one year. Thank you for your cooperation with making Johnson a safe and orderly environment for EVERY student by promoting these policies with your students at home. For any questions or concerns, please call and ask to speak to an administrator.

Beautiful content. Responsive.
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